Our Mission
To invite members to engage in earnest, persevering prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, just as the disciples prayed on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-47), and, as a result, experience a transformed life, be in one accord with one another (fulfilling Jesus’ prayer to His Father in John 17:21), and be powerful witnesses for the Saviour, bringing souls to the foot of the Cross.
“We are encouraged to pray for success, with the divine assurance that our prayers will be heard and answered. …The promise is made on the condition that the united prayers of the church are offered, and in answer to these prayers, there may be expected a power greater than that which comes in answer to private prayer. The power given will be proportionate to the unity of the members and their love for God and for one another” Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, p. 303 (Letter 32, 1903, p.5).